A Tale of Two Sheds
Since 2015, the early May Bank Holiday has meant one thing.
East West Fest.
I've tried to describe, over many years, my feelings about this event. But each time I come to commit the words, they fail me.
But then, it's everything I want in a beer event. Great people, lovely beer and a lovely cause. Add in the fact that it's in a red wooden building steeped in history and Socialism (that capital S is something they're fiercely proud of) and the place just warms the heart.
It's a special event. My favourite beer event.. Nothing comes close.
And - like with most great things - it's the people that make it.
Chief among those is a Gentleman by the name of Malcolm Bastow.
A man I'm honoured to call “friend”.
East West was a blast. On Thursday evening I was clutching my sides. Unable to draw breath, crying with laughter. Exceptional beers, even better people. There's no pretence here, no hype just a group that epitomise my old thought #BeerPeopleAreGoodPeople. Well, these people are.
From Jock, Jaz & Chris to Jonty, Matty, Rich, Jack, Niamh, they make this what it is. A beautiful weekend with great people. People with heart, soul, commitment.
Every year, it's my happy place.
Anyway. As a thank you to Malcolm I said I'd venture back onto Mixcloud. Run him up a playlist. Take a break from organising a beer festival, planning collabs and stuff.
As I've always said, I love music more than beer. And I adore beer.
And let's face it, without beer, I wouldn't know Jock (the 1st punter to cross the threshold, of the 1st ISBF!) I wouldn't know Chris. I wouldn't know Malcolm, Jonty, Matty, Rich, Jack, and Niamh.
My life would be the poorer.
Anyway. The tunes.
Each one is personal. Each one provokes a reaction whenever I hear it. But two stand out.
The bookends.
Track 1 “Where You're Meant To Be” by Aidan Moffat is the track I always play before I introduce the brewery list at the ISBF launch party (announcement soon). Friendship, belonging. A sense of place
Track 31 “St Judy's Comet” by Paul Simon is the song I used to rock Fionn to sleep by, when he was a babe in arms. A song that stayed with me. Made an impression.
It was the last tune at his funeral. Simultaneously brings a smile and a tear. Each and every time.
The aim of the playlist was stuff Malcolm wouldn't know. Nearly half way through, that seems to be the case. And he likes it.
Have a listen. Click here. (If you want the track listing, message me)
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